Sunday, August 22, 2010

Intro to Ireland

So I arrived safely in Ireland, and I am having a lot of fun so far. My flights were LONG and BORING - I had four flights in total, adding up to almost two whole days of travelling. For some reason it was a lot more boring for me than travelling to Cape Town, maybe because I had one more flight to deal with. It was nice to be travelling with a group for the second half, though, instead of doing it completely on my own.

We are in Dublin for five days, and we are staying at Trinity College, which is right in the center of Dublin. The dorms there are basically apartments, so I share an apartment with one other person, and I have my own bedroom! Last night we got into the city and just learned about what we will be doing in the course, and then we had the night to ourselves, which was a lot of fun. Today we had a walking tour of the city, and we are on a lunch break now, so I popped into an internet cafe so that I could let my parents know that I am alive. I don't have much more time because we have our first lecture in half an hour, so I have to get running.

Loving Ireland, more later!

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