Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just Touched Down in London Town

Belfast ended up being a lot of fun, but I think I can say that I enjoyed Dublin more. The tension that you can feel in Belfast from the conflict is a little overwhelming...definitely not an area I would want to grow up in. I already miss the Ireland seminar so much. The group of people was a lot of fun, our professor and TAs were amazing, and I just had a great experience.

I arrived safely in London yesterday, and we checked into our hotel that we stay at until we find a flat. I'm starting that search tomorrow, so I will report back, and hopefully be able to show off pictures of where I live. Even though I am in the city of London, I don't feel it yet. Maybe it's because I'm staying in a hotel for the time being, or that classes haven't started, but I just don't feel like I'm really here yet.

Hopefully once classes start, and I have a flat, and I know my way around the area I live in, I will really feel at home here in London.

And I plan on posting some pictures from Ireland soon :)

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